Employee Offboarding Meeting

Off-boarding meetings can be an effective way of gathering employee feedback.

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Reason for Leaving

Within this section, you want to learn what prompted the employee to look for a different job and what made them decide to leave. The data you gather could be instrumental in informing you of any legitimate concerns that might be contributing to employee churn.

Job Circumstances

Ask the employee if the job lived up to their expectations and, if not, a reason for the dissatisfaction.

This question is particularly important if you have a high turnover rate for new hires. The answers offer a realistic job preview, including reviews of your job advertisements, interview process, and onboarding process.

Company Culture

During the interview, ask the exiting employee how they would describe the relationship with their manager. You could also ask them to describe the culture and atmosphere of the company.

This question gives true insight into how different supervisors within the organization relate with their employees. It reveals the best management examples and leadership issues that you should confront.

The question on company culture reveals recurring themes that uncover any weaknesses within the culture that you must address. On the other hand, it ascertains the strengths you have and ought to capitalize on when recruiting new employees.

Consider also asking if they felt that the company valued and recognized them. The response should help you measure how your business is doing when it comes to healthier engagement and productivity.

Work Environment

Inquire whether the employee was given clear goals and objectives for the job. You want to understand to what degree employees feel connected to the organization's mission. The answers offered should demonstrate how well management is following through with some of the strategic plans they've set.

Additionally, ask what the employee's perception of the company's general leadership and decision-making style. This unearths the extent to which your employees feel part of the decisions that affect the work environment. In hindsight, the goal is to have your employees feel connected to and supportive of management. The insights within the feedback inform what needs to be done.

How people feel about their workplace influences their overall satisfaction. As such, inquire what they liked most and least about their work environment. You want to look out for practical issues brought up in these exit interviews.

When you compile the responses over time, you should get insights into the likes and dislikes of the different aspects of the job. Hearing various opinions should help highlight what stands out and what needs to be modified. You can then apply job design strategies that reflect the realities of the different job positions.


Inquire whether the employee had the equipment and technology needed to do their job correctly. If not, ask what they would be lacking. Answers to this question should help optimize the tools you provide your employees.

Business Reputation

Inquire whether the employee would recommend your company to someone they knew who was searching for an opening for the same position.

This is important since former employees can either help or hinder your business's reputation as an employer. This employee, on their way out, will provide you with their first-hand experience at your business.

General Feedback

The employee will appreciate the opportunity to speak candidly about what's yet to be covered by the time the off-boarding meeting is done. As such, ask what else they'd like to share about their experience working with you. Their feedback should bring forth any relevant issues that you'll want to incorporate into a future revision of your off-boarding interview templates.

A disorganized employee off-boarding process can leave the team member in question feeling dissatisfied and disrespected, which could be detrimental to your organization. As such, you want a comprehensive off-boarding meeting that ensures a now-existing employee is heard and any lessons learned if the organization is to benefit from the said exit.

The highlighted off-boarding template should help you run the exit meeting more effectively. Check out additional meeting templates that should make every meeting worth it.

How to use this template

Employees are unlikely to spend their whole careers within a single company. Still, parting ways is often not easy, and as such, proper handling of their departure is essential. The formal process your organization goes through when an employee exit is what's considered off-boarding.

An employee off-boarding meeting is conducted with an employee before they are officially out of the company. As a manager, it is your responsibility to ensure that departing employees smoothly transition out of your business. This process can involve immense paperwork, interdepartmental coordination, and multiple approvals flow.

You require a well-crafted off-boarding procedure that can streamline the termination, resignation, or retirement process. You've got to organize the tasks necessary to complete an efficient and impactful off-boarding process. Here's an off-boarding checklist template you could refer to.

Off-Boarding Checklist

An effective off-boarding process will often have several components. Granted, the steps might differ minimally based on your organization's size and structure, but this a good starting point for your off-boarding process.

Communicate the Change

Oftentimes, personnel changes take time to be reflected in the apps and tools you currently use. As such, you ought to communicate this change to your HR team the moment you are informed of the same. This way, concerned personnel can be made aware of the appropriate changes in a timely fashion.

Prepare the Paperwork

Preparing the paperwork involves having a template for letters of termination or resignations, nondisclosure agreements, and other paperwork related to the off-boarding process.

Start a Knowledge Transfer

When your employee leaves, they take with them valuable information. Have your departing employee document essential details about their roles.

Recover Company Assets

Collect all company property from the employee, including their company ID and credit card, and change any relevant passwords.

Celebrate their Next Chapter

Take the time to communicate to the employee that your business appreciates their work.

Leave Room for Return

Leaving doesn't mean that the employee is effectively forgotten. Inquire about their basic contact information for easier future rehiring.

Have an Off-boarding Meeting

An exit interview is a more formal, procedural way of ending an employee's time with you.

Why Have an Off-Boarding Meeting?

A successful off-boarding meeting helps the business refine the exit of its employees. You require a structure for this off-boarding meeting which is where the off-boarding meeting template comes in.

Having a template for the off-boarding meeting is essential in that it ensures that you:

  • Deploy your employee off-boarding cycle as soon as possible
  • Customize your employee resignation and off-boarding workflows with ease
  • Delegate specific responsibilities within the off-boarding cycle to team members and ensure timely issue resolution
  • Process exit formalities quickly and improve team productivity

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