HR Exit Interview

Meeting template agenda to learn exactly why your departing employee is leaving

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Opening Question

What is your motivation for leaving?

Company Performance Feedback

What is the organization doing well? How could the organization be better?

Working Conditions

How was the working environment (i.e. workplace, job hours, etc.)? How could it be improved?

Highlights & Lowlights

What were your three favorite parts about working here? What three things would you change?

Employee Onboarding

What do you know now that you wish you were told in the onboarding process? 

Advice for a Replacement

What advice would you give to someone starting in your position?

How to use this template

Exit interviews provide a golden opportunity for you to understand exactly why a departing employee is leaving. When these meetings are conducted well, both sides benefit. The organization gains valuable insight and the employee affirms their contributions to the organization. 

The overarching goals of the exit interview should always be centered around learning and knowledge-sharing. This concept of learning is built into our meeting agenda template for exit interviews. With this template, you create the structure that will guide the conversation in a way that maximizes productivity. Just remember, the exit interview should feel like a conversation, rather than a list of questions. So don’t feel like you have to follow everything to a tee.

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