One-on-One: Manager Weekly 1:1

Simple meeting agenda example for managers to make the most of your weekly one-on-ones

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Intro question

Start with an open-ended question. How was last week? What’s been working well for you lately? 

Celebrate Wins & Lessons Learned

What have we accomplished since our last meeting? Note progress on important initiatives.

How can we be better? Highlight lessons learned from the previous week.

Remove Roadblocks

What (if anything) is stopping—or slowing down—your progress? How can we remove that roadblock? What support do you need? 

Plan to remove specific roadblocks and create action items.

Two-Way Evaluation and Feedback

How are we doing? How can we work together more effectively? 

Open Discussion

Provide time for open discussion. Is there anything else you want to talk about? 


Should we schedule another one-on-one? Review any action items arising from the one-on-one.

Action items:

How to use this template

Most managers understand that it’s important to schedule regular check-ins with every employee. What’s harder to figure out, though, is how to make the most out of those regular check-ins.

In a nutshell, that’s what this agenda template is for—to help managers and their employees have more collaborative, productive weekly one-on-one meetings. A weekly one-on-one ideally accomplishes multiple purposes:  it builds rapport, encourages growth, and improves productivity. 

But maximizing the one-on-one is not solely up to the agenda. The effectiveness of this meeting also depends on the collaboration between the manager and the direct report.

Asking questions during your one-on-one's is a great way to do this. The agenda template here offers many examples, but you can customize it with other questions from this list of sample one-on-one questions.

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