Weekly Meeting

Keep your team aligned and ready to take on upcoming priorities with our weekly meeting template

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Team Review

Share updates on overall progress, key metrics, and anecdotes to give your team an up-to-date understanding of current initiatives.

Individual Updates

Allow each team member to briefly share what they've been working on. This includes progress, obstacles, achievements, and any other information that would be valuable for the team.

Positive Highlights

Acknowledge big wins and milestones accomplished since the last weekly meeting. What valuable lessons were learned?

Roadblocks & Concerns

Have any issues or challenges come up since the last weekly meeting? Are there any particular problems a team member is stuck on? How can we help solve them?

New Information

Are there any new metrics, trends, customer feedback, or market influences we should be aware of? What about company announcements or industry news? Share any resources that would help the team understand these concepts better.

Other Important Notes

Summarize any other valuable information that was shared. It does not have to be directly related to the weekly meeting agenda.

Upcoming Priorities

What are the main priorities we should focus on for next week? How are we planning to approach these? What does success look like?

Main Takeaways

What were the main insights from this weekly meeting? Include key decisions made, progress reports, and any opportunities, issues, or concerns that should be shared with colleagues.


List all key stakeholders not present and other departments that this information should be shared with.

Take Action

Clarify next steps for the entire team as well as each individual. Note who's completing them, and when they should be done by. You can assign these tasks from this template.

How to use this template

Every week brings new challenges. And a cadence of weekly meetings is where your team transforms these obstacles into opportunities.

Regular weekly catch-ups are a key component to long-term success. But maximizing their value depends on how you hold them. Keep your team on the same page and accomplish objectives more efficiently with our weekly meeting template.

But it's not enough to have a weekly meeting on a recurring schedule. Meeting participants need to prepare for the meeting to make the best use of the weekly meeting time. Otherwise, you risk a meeting with participants who aren't prepared, won't be engaged, and won't remember what was discussed—a major risk to productivity.

This example team meeting agenda template has all the main ingredients to ensure your team is ready to stay productive and take on the upcoming week. But to get the most from templates for meeting agendas like this one, follow these tips.

Tips for customizing your meeting agenda template


The person who is responsible for the weekly team member should decide what format the agenda template should ultimately use. This responsibility usually falls to managers. Before each weekly team meeting, management should share the agenda with the group, inviting participation in any section where team members might be speaking or lead the discussion. Sharing an agenda in advance of a meeting fosters a spirit of collaboration in your organization.


Far too many team catch-ups languish due to disorganization and disengagement. No matter what department you're in, this customizable weekly meeting template can be tailored to accommodate your needs. It's vital that every meeting has a clear purpose for every stakeholder and enough time allotted for everyone to participate. Adapt it to fit your agenda and what you want to discuss. Allow your team to focus on solutions instead of just status updates.


A team that communicates is a team that works well. Avoid being blindsided by missed priorities and poor KPIs with this meeting note template's sharing and centralization capabilities. Your entire team can access this outline anytime. This allows them to stay aligned with what's important, even if they can't attend the meeting.


When you hold regular weekly team meetings, it's critical that you stay focused on the bigger picture. It doesn't do your personal or team's reputation or morale any good to consistently miss the mark. The weekly meeting template helps you hit the ground running and focus on how to succeed instead of wasting time checking in with people.


This weekly meeting template doesn't only let you take notes—it lets you take action. And nothing catalyzes this more than accountability. At the bottom of this meeting agenda, track any action items that came up during your discussion.

Say goodbye to wasted time and say hello to unparalleled progress with this weekly meeting template.

Format Tip: Delete unused agenda items from this weekly team meeting agenda

The free template on this page is comprehensive, showing all of the most common agenda topics for this kind of team meeting. (You could also use it to take notes or meeting minutes.) Most meetings, though, won't need to involve every single agenda item listed here. Use this template to create your own.

When you take this weekly meeting template and download or copy it for yourself, prune it down to the essentials for the kind of weekly meeting you're going to hold.

Feel free to combine topics together in your own meeting agenda template, such as with updates and roadblocks. Team members can give a quick update on a project, and share where they are blocked on their work in the context of that update. By streamlining the weekly meeting template to fit your work style, it will be even more effective for your business.

Other information to add to your team meeting agenda template

Not shown in the template are some optional sectionals that you may want to add based on your organization's needs:

  • The time and date
  • Call / dial-in number or remote meeting link
  • A list of the names of all attendees and what teams they belong to
  • Any other goals you want to achieve during the meeting

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