Board Meeting

Make your board meetings short, focused, and effective with Redpoint Venture's approach

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Using templates in Fellow enables you to collaboratively prepare and edit notes, create tasks, and integrate with 50+ apps

Tomasz Tunguz
Redpoint Ventures


The most important aspect of this meeting is the meeting memo. This way you don't spend half the meeting briefing one another. Here is what you need to include in every board memo: 

  • Each team leader writes their own section, no more than 1-2 pages summarizing the state of the business. Introduction, things going well, challenges, plans for the future, update on items from last time. These sections can contain graphs and charts
  • The CEO summarizes and provides a narrative at the beginning of the document
  • The VP Finance attaches the financial statements and key reports
  • The team circulates the narrative with the board ahead of time. Board members comment and ask questions as they read. The team clarifies points and provides analysis where necessary

Meeting Minutes

Call to Order

  • A [meeting type] meeting of [organization name] was held on [date] at [location]. It began at [time] and was presided over by [chairperson’s name], with [secretary’s name] as secretary


Voting members


Members not in attendance

Approval of minutes

A motion to approve the minutes of the previous [date] meeting was made by [name] and seconded by [name].

Matters up for decision:

  • Major strategic decisions
  • Routine decisions

Matters up for discussion: 

CEO report: 

  • Current pressing issues
  • Matters for approval
  • Update on strategic plan implementation/rollout 
  • Critical Key Performance Indicators 
  • Risk and compliance update
  • Discussion around financial statements and key reports  

Committee minutes 

  • Audit and risk committee
  • Governance committee 

Other matters for discussion

Meeting finalization 

  • Actions to be taken
  • Items for public disclosure
  • Next meeting
  • Meeting close

How to use this template

A well-structured board meeting agenda will set the tone for the entire meeting, providing attendees with the context, and guidance necessary to move through the meeting with ease. Keep reading to learn how you can facilitate effective board meetings 100% of the time!

Key sections of a Board Meeting Agenda

Board meetings cover a wide range of topics and vary depending on the nature of their organization, the industry, and the opportunities and threats the organization faces. Despite varying factors, common topics covered in board meetings often include financial reports, strategic planning, operational updates, Executive Director and CEO reports, committee reports, policy review and approval, decision-making on key issues, governance matters, legal and compliance updates, conflict resolution, and next steps and action items.  

Essential board meeting agenda sections include: 

  1. Call to Order 

Every solid board meeting agenda template will encompass a roll call or call to order section. This section of the board meeting agenda template is used to welcome meeting participants. The Chairperson or President will get started with opening remarks and verify that the minimum number of board members required to host a meeting are present. 


  1. Approval of Minutes

Before kicking off the board meeting, you must allocate a portion of your board meeting agenda template to approving the meeting minutes from the previous meeting. 


  1. Meeting Agenda Review 

Board meeting agendas can be lengthy which is why it's important to conduct a meeting agenda review before getting started. Allocating a portion of time in your professional board meeting agenda to reviewing the current meeting agenda will ensure all necessary information is included and up to date. 


  1. Reports 

Allocating a portion of your board meeting agenda template to reports is crucial. These reports may include anything from financial reports to committee reports, or Executive Director or CEO reports. This provides key stakeholders with the opportunity to be transparent and provide board members with crucial updates.


  1. Unfinished Business 

Was there unfinished business from your previous board meeting? This section of the board meeting agenda template is where board members can discuss and resolve any pending items from past meetings. 


  1. New Business 

An effective board meeting agenda will encompass a section for new business. This section of the board meeting agenda template is where board members will discuss and make decisions on new agenda items and present any outstanding proposals or recommendations. 


  1. Strategic Planning

A strategic planning section is a crucial component of every effective board meeting agenda. Board members can use this section of the board meeting agenda template to review the organization's strategic goals and discuss how they align with the organization's long-term objectives and vision. 


  1. Governance Matters 

Every effective board meeting agenda encompasses a section for governance matters. This section of the board meeting agenda template is where board members will discuss the governance on policies and procedures and provide updates on any outstanding governance issues. 


  1. Legal and Compliance 

Ensuring legal compliance is crucial which is why a portion of the board meeting agenda template must be allocated to legal and compliance. This section of the board meeting agenda template is where board members will discuss compliance issues and provide updates on any legal matters that may be affecting the organization. 


  1. Announcements and Other Business 

Unlike other sections of the board meeting agenda template, this section is more fluid. The announcements and other business section of your board meeting agenda is where you can open the floor to any outstanding announcements or miscellaneous business that may not have been covered during the meeting. 


  1. Next Meeting Date 

An effective board meeting agenda will provide meeting attendees with information pertaining to the next meeting. Determining the date, time, and location of the next board meeting during the current meeting will ensure you’ve selected a time that works for all board members. It will also ensure meeting participants know when and where they are expected to meet next. 


  1. Adjournment 

The final section of every effective board meeting agenda is the adjournment section. This component of the board meeting agenda template is where the Chairperson or President will formally close the meeting.  

Best Practices for Planning an Effective Board Meeting 

  1. Use a meeting agenda template 

If you want to host an effective board meeting, you must leverage a board meeting agenda template. Meeting agenda templates are a great way to make sure nothing goes unnoticed. Each template provides step-by-step guidelines, talking points, and sections for action items and next steps so nothing gets forgotten or pushed to the side. Instead of starting from scratch, Fellow provides over 500 comprehensive meeting agenda templates that you can leverage to take your board meetings to the next level. 


  1. Follow a meeting agenda

There’s nothing worse than attending a meeting with no agenda—especially when you’re facilitating a meeting for busy board members. Using every moment wisely is crucial. Luckily, Fellow makes creating a thorough, collaborative meeting agenda easier than ever. Not only are you able to unlock expert tips and in-depth templates, but you’ll also be equipped with the tools needed to create a collaborative meeting agenda that keeps everyone on track from start to finish.


  1. Assign meeting roles

Assigning meeting roles not only helps the meeting run smoothly, but it also boosts morale and helps attendees become more attentive. If a meeting attendee has a specific set of responsibilities during the meeting, they will be more inclined to engage and listen intently. 


  1. Take meeting minutes 

This is one of the board meeting best practices that must not be forgotten! Meeting minutes are imperative when it comes to referencing key decisions in the future—including, but not limited to, votes taken, conflicts that may have arisen, and decisions made. Thorough meeting minutes can also help provide structure and ensure accountability when it comes to following up on action items. 


  1. Send a meeting follow-up email

Meeting follow up emails are a great way to make sure everyone has all pertinent information after the meeting has ended. If you’ve ended the meeting with action items, this is the ideal time to follow up and ensure everyone’s on the right track. The best part about sending a meeting follow-up email is that you’re able to loop everybody in, whether they were able to attend the meeting or not. Make sure to include a copy of your professional board meeting agenda in your follow up email! 


  1. Ask for meeting feedback 

Aren’t sure if you're hosting effective board meetings with professional board meeting agendas? Ask for feedback! Seeking feedback regarding your board meeting agenda template can be as simple as asking for feedback during closing remarks or including a survey in your follow up email. Taking the time to learn from your peers, colleagues, or employees will help you successfully shape the future of all board meetings, ensuring your facilitating meetings with an effective board meeting agenda 100% of the time. 


Why this Board Meeting Template is better in Fellow

Are you meeting with your board and need an agenda template to get started? Try this board meeting agenda template in Fellow.

With Fellow, getting started with a board meeting agenda template is as simple as choosing from one of hundreds of pre-built templates complete with recommended talking points, tweaking it with custom headers and talking points unique to your meeting, and bringing it to life during your next board meeting! 


When you choose to leverage a board meeting agenda template in Fellow, it automatically connects with your calendar and shows up side-by-side in your meeting calls for the ultimate distraction free meeting experience. And if you don’t have the capacity to build out your own talking points, you can leverage Fellow’s AI agenda builder to add talking points to your sections in a matter of minutes. 



Board meeting FAQs

  1. How often should board meetings be held? 

The frequency of board meetings will vary depending on the organization's size, industry, and specific needs. Many organizations hold regular board meetings, typically quarterly or monthly. Some may schedule additional meetings as needed, especially during critical decision-making periods or in response to emerging issues.


  1. How are decisions made during board meetings? 

Decision-making in board meetings typically involves discussions and voting. Board members discuss agenda items, ask questions, and share perspectives. The process may vary based on the organization's bylaws, and some decisions may require a simple majority, a two-thirds majority, or a unanimous vote, depending on the significance of the matter.


  1. Can board members participate in meetings remotely? 

Many organizations allow board members to participate in meetings remotely, especially when in-person attendance is challenging. Virtual participation is facilitated through video conferencing tools, teleconferences, or other technology platforms. 


  1. How can board members prepare for board meetings? 

Board members can prepare for meetings by thoroughly reviewing the meeting agenda and any related materials provided in advance. This includes financial reports, committee reports, and other relevant documents. 

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